# probably got lost during 7zipping
chmod +x wrath.app/Contents/MacOS/RubyGosu\ App
# Ruby doesn't like rbw, but we don't need the file anyway
rm bin/wrath.rbw
# Makes wrath/foo available for requiring without messing with the load path
mv Resources/lib/wrath/lib/wrath -> Resouces/lib/wrath
# The whole dance with log files is dangerous because the user does not necessarily have write permissions inside the .app
# (I guess it _only_ works for Windows admin users!)
# Also, I totally didn't understand what was going on anyway :)
replace Main.rb: require 'wrath'
in game.rb:
#require "rubygems" # Gosu bug, should be a nop, but isn't, the rescue doesn't help
#require "bundler/setup"
# The gems need to be exploded into lib directly - but the Gosu .app should contain chingu anyway
lib/chingu-xxxx/chingu* -> lib/chingu*
# And now it dies because the .app apparently doesn't have texplay.
# I guess I will have to fix that and the require "rubygems" thing before continuing :)
> * Log file: Just need to put this outside the .app, surely?
> * Chingu: in the Gosu App is no good, since I'm using the --pre one anyway. I'll need to delete the one you have in there.
> EDIT: IF you are messing with the wrapper, can we have a boolean constant, Gosu::OSX_EXECUTABLE
> EDIT2: Hmm, as far as I can tell, I never touch the $LOAD_PATH. Not sure what you meant there.
puts "please see wrath.log"
or something to the old stdout :) I spent another minute wondering why not even my debug markers appeared in the Terminal, no matter how hard I flushed.Font::text_width
on a new-line character. I guess I should just return 0 but I think I will gain some "fail early" Zen now and just throw an error if the argument contains Sample#new
. Methinks you secretly DO play a sound :P Of course, it should never segfault. Not the first issues you had with sound, sadly. Are these first signs of Audiere indeed sucking? It's all OGG right?Powered by mwForum 2.29.7 © 1999-2015 Markus Wichitill