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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / GOSU ROCKS!
- - By Sajjadjinn Date 2011-03-26 12:38
I have got to tell you:
A lot (not me, too...), struggle with RPG Maker xp/vx/2003/etc. 
Well tonight I downloaded Chris Pines Pragmatic Programming - Learn to Program Ruby and that makes it at LOT easier. 
And I get so frustrated with RPG Maker VX because I can't find everything to help me understand. 
Like the Window_Base script inherits from Window and that script isn't in the script list for editing...
But THANK GOD (like really, thank you God) I found Gosu. 
Now I can work on my Final Fantasy Tactics type game and just use the RPGM-VX scripts as coding references to learn how to do stuffs. 
This is so great. 
Thank you Gosu!
I have exactly the right balance of guidance and control I have been struggling to find in order to really take off on this endeavor. 
I shall keep you all updated on my Tactical RPG on this thread.
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2011-03-26 13:27
Thanks, I think you'll like the next couple releases of Gosu even more, stay tuned!
Parent - - By RavensKrag Date 2011-03-26 20:27
I'd like to see your game.  I don't think anyone here has posted anything RPG related.  Your enthusiasm really makes me want to work harder on my game as well. ^_^
Parent - By Sajjadjinn Date 2011-03-26 23:52
So far I'm working on the New Game, Continue, Exit, New Game + on the Title Screen.  I think it will be really kewl to have the whole process chronicled as updates on this thread so I, and others, can see how far you go!  ^^
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / GOSU ROCKS!

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