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Up User Sajjadjinn
Real NameSebastien Tides
OccupationEngineering Student
HobbiesLARP, writing, programming this game, philosophy, psychology
LocationUSA, Indiana, Corydon, Oakview Apartments, Apt 3
SignatureA life without joy is sad.  A life without sobriety of deed is more sad.
MiscellaneousI can't seem to stop smoking cigarettes lol.  I drink Diet Coke, like sci-fi and fantasy, smoke Camel Turkish Royals, procrastinate on homework sometimes, like eating out, and LOVE nerdy books and stuff (like programming video games lmfao.  Kinda smart, sorta lazy, fairly handsome, slightly husky, terrible singer, decent poet, only brush my teeth about every other day, live at my computer (except on Sundays when I LARP), ok at budgetting money, horrible at saving money, gosh you people are nosey!
Posts 2 posted, 2 existing
Registered2011-03-26 12:15

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