Hi everyone, this is a nice skin pack for the classic adventure game, Captain Ruby, by jlnr.
I added some sounds and some new images, and adjusted the map a little bit.
I also added the Wall Jump feature from the epic game, Captain Ruby with Wall Jump by Maverick.
CptnCat requires both Gosu and Chingu.
I think it's turning out pretty good.
Below are installation instructions, if you want to check it out.
Once you have installed gosu and chingu...
/$ git clone
https://github.com/mattlemmon/CptnCat.git/$ cd CptnCat
/CptnCat/$ ruby cptncat.rb
I am trying to figure out how to load separate levels, with separate maps, using Chingu's gamestates. I have tried a bunch of different things, but none of them have worked. Any suggestions in this regard would be useful. I've been trying in two different ways: one using Chingu's viewport, and one using the text-based-map-style. Neither one has been successful so far, although I am making progress with the viewport approach. My next plan is going to be to try to hijack some of the code from ippa's game, Gnorf, and copy its general setup and use of viewports. I would prefer to use the good ol' text-style maps, but I'm running into problems where the map seems to only want to work from a Window, and not from a GameState.
Best wishes to all. Gosu is awesome.