Hi everybody. I have updated and improved the Chingu Example Loader. On github the new version is simply called "loader".
You can check it out here:
https://github.com/mattlemmon/loaderThe command to start the game is "ruby loader.rb".
This one is way better than the first version. It loads LOTS more examples. It even loads Conway's Game Of Life.
I've rigged the spacebar and the arrow keys to have a role in almost every example.
The pause ('P') and reset ('R') features work essentially globally.
'Q' and 'enter' toggle gamestates.
Pressing 'Z' at any time puts the name of the current gamestate to the terminal.
I included a Gemfile for use with bundler. Loader requires gosu, chingu, and texplay. I'm not sure what to do with 'Gemfile.lock'...
I think I've got a pretty decent game structure - very simple. Very basic. The main file, 'loader.rb', requires files from the 'gs' folder, and launches the Loader window. In the 'gs' folder, CORE.rb holds the Loader window, the Pause gamestate, and the Welcome gamestate. All the other gamestates and object classes are in the other .rb files in 'gs'. The main logic for calling different gamestates is in CORE.rb.
I am hoping to add even more examples in the future. My biggest hope is to figure out how to load CptnRuby as a gamestate. Any suggestions on how to adapt CptnRuby to a Chingu::GameState would be warmly received. Loader comes equipped with CptnCat, for reference. And the Chingu reference manual is included in the 'ref' folder.