gem :)
close if button_down? KbEscape
if @obrot == :prawo then
; It just isn't necessary. Also, that bit is crying out to be a case
statement.for i in 0..2 do
=> (0..2).each do |i|
(Although for
might feel better if you are coming from another language, it is extremely limiting once you try to do a bit more with Ruby)def block?(x,y); @map_main[(y/32)][(x/32)] != 0; end
print(Time.now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%L") + " - " + message.to_s + "\n")
=> puts "#{Time.now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%L")} - #{message}"
(although I suggested using a logger for this).
attr_accessor :speed, :gravity, :x, :y
def pos; [@x, @y]; end
def pos=(value); @x, @y = value; end
@gracz.pos = [5, 100]
or @gracz.x = 5
or puts @gracz.gravity
to manipulate the instance variables in a more friendly manner.pos
, as it is tempting to write @gracz.pos.x = 5
which will not work (it only replaces the first element in a temporary array).then
@gracz.x, @gracz.y = [3, 5]
if you want to set the value with an Array.
@gracz.x, @gracz.y = 3, 5
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