I have assembled a rudimentary Welcome Screen setup which
automagically loads the Chingu Examples:
https://github.com/MattLemmon/ch_loader /.../ch_loader$ ruby ch_loader.rb

It loads the different Examples from a Main Menu.
A more detailed description is included in the README.
EDIT: ch_loader.rb has been tested on Ruby v-1.9.1, v-1.9.2,
and v-1.9.3. It seems to work fine on all of the above.
This "game" is still under progress.
I am posting in case people want to "look over my shoulder" and
make suggestions along the way.
This is an offshoot of the GalaxyCraft project. I am trying to create a
GalaxyCraft welcome screen.
I am a very, very, very noob, and I am open to suggestions.
Thanks to spooner, lol_o2, and BlueScope for their helpful suggestions.
Feel free to fork!