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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / Audio: Repeating from marked point instead of the beginning
- - By kuehkookies Date 2012-03-08 09:56
Firstly I'm sorry if the title is confusing :)

I've tried to put an audio file (it's OGG file, which has LOOPSTART and LOOPLENGTH metadata in it for proper loop) and play it on the game. But when the music reaches the end, it starts from the beginning of the music instead from the marked point.
Once I tested the file on RPG Maker, it played back from the marked point.
(I use RPG Maker since it's the most reliable Ruby-based game development tools I've ever use)
Is this just me that having this problem? Or there are some explanations for using audio resources in Gosu?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my grammar :)
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2012-03-09 06:32
Gosu does not read these metadata elements, support for this would need to be added in C++. Sounds like a nice hack for a day!

I think you should file an issue here because this may be something that others could contribute if they're faster than me (likely :) ):
Parent - By Spooner Date 2012-03-22 14:55
I use the ruby-ogginfo gem to read in that sort of meta-data, but it isn't nearly as good as having that info available from Gosu (specifically being able to know the time remaining on a playing song).
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / Audio: Repeating from marked point instead of the beginning

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