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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / The best way to create basic RPG stats for Gosu or others
- - By kyonides Date 2010-08-03 00:23 Edited 2010-08-03 00:27
The other day I started using Ruby Structs and I also they could be very convenient, but I'm not sure if they'd be even worse than initializing too many separate instance variables. This is a sketch of what I did to create a single Struct that would include all the basic player stats in a single place inside a GamePlayer class.

class Stats <, :hp, :mp, :atk); end

class GamePlayer
  def initialize
    @basic_stats, @bonus_stats =,

Is it still better to initialize separate instance variables for every single value that's going to be stored in such a Struct? Or should I just forget about both of them and only use class methods in order to let the scripter or gamer retrieve the desired data?

For those not familiar with Structs I can tell you they are something like a combination of Arrays and Hashes and something more.

@basic_stats[:hp] = 125 the same thing as...

@basic_stats.hp = 125

#=> <#struct :name = nil, :hp = 125, :mp = nil, :atk = nil>
Parent - - By banister Date 2010-08-03 04:12
why not just go:

Stats =, :hp, :mp, :atk)
Parent - By kyonides Date 2010-08-03 17:40
Well, that was my first try but I noticed later that some things like Stats[:hp] = 125 didn't work for some weird reason and sometimes it automatically assigned a 0 value to the first variable. Since the first one might be a String for a name, I didn't like it and ended up creating a intermediate class.
Parent - - By RavensKrag Date 2010-08-03 16:22
Personally, I'm just using hashes for my game.  Any particular reason why you decided to use Structs instead? To my knowledge, Structs are really only useful if you want a quick aggregate class that is only going to be used in a small, contained area.
Parent - - By kyonides Date 2010-08-03 17:43
I think it's easier to use the Struct class because I only create a single instance variable and every time I need to assign a new value to a hero attribute, it looks more self documenting than a single variable for every attribute, especially if I'm going to include some bonus stats feature there.

@basic_stats.hp = 125 += 25
Parent - By RavensKrag Date 2010-08-03 17:48
Ah, ok. Well, I've kinda hidden the initialization of the Hash in another class which the class used for characters inherits from.  Thus, in my opinion, it feels about the same as using a Struct.

Also, you could always do this.
stats =
stats[:hp] = 10

or something, which might help clarify the code.  I suppose it's really just a matter of choice though.
- By ippa Date 2010-08-05 22:09
You could also check into OpenStruct that comes with rubys stdlib ... I think it will give you both struct[:hp] and struct.hp access and some other stuff.
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / The best way to create basic RPG stats for Gosu or others

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