In order to promote ruby game libraries , we need more game created with those libraries. So, here it is! It seems like Gosu can handle the bullets pretty well, though it started to lag when the number reach 800. Anyway, it's enough for a nice shmup game :)

It's for shmup-dev prototype development session 6. Hopefully I can finish it in time :(

This is my entry for Shmup-Dev rapid prototype session 6. The theme for this session is "You're not the boss of me" or basically a boss rush shmup.
CONTROLArrow keys - Movement
Z - Shoot/Decision
X - Bomb
A - Adjust Bet
Shift - Hold for precise movement
------ Star Point System ------- - At the beginning of each boss pattern, you'll have a short amount of time to adjust your bet by pressing A. Your amount of current bet is shown on the right , next to the star icon. The minimum bet is 1 and the maximum bet is the number of your lives.
- Beating that pattern without losing a life means you've won the bet. You'll collect star points with the same amount of star points you've bet earlier.
- Losing a life during the pattern mean you've lost the bet. You'll lose the star point equal to the amount you've bet and your bet will be reset to 1. Meaning every life lost after this during this pattern will keep on decreasing your star point by 1.
- Winning a bet without using any bomb will double the amount of star point you gain.
------ Other Information ------- - Each boss has three patterns.
- The number of bombs will be reset to 2 after you've defeated a boss.
- Defeating a boss without losing any lives will resulting in another bonus bomb ( 3 bombs in total.)
- Right now there's only 4 stage in total. The requirement to meet the fourth boss is 20 star points or above.
------ Something That I should fix ------- - The number of bombs will NOT be reset after you've died. (Not a system....I just forgot ^ ^;;)
- Where's the pausing screen :'(
- There should be something to tell the player that their star points has meet a requirement to fight a hidden boss.