By ml
Date 2013-11-04 00:32
Edited 2013-11-04 07:03
The main caveat I can see about ashton, in terms of how it affected this game, is that on PC it requires Ruby Dev-tools. As far as uploading binaries is concerned I have no idea! lol
The big issue I'm running into right now is that a weird error has appeared when trying to install Gosu and Chingu on some PCs. I will post about this separately later.
EDIT: fyi, I posted about the weird error in the Gosu Exchange forum.
I appreciate the tip on the proper syntax for git cloning. I did not know about this at all.
Thanks for the compliment about the visuals. It was definitely a team effort. A lot of it is Arrow's work, and a lot of it is mine, and the background crowd on level 3 is Fritzherald's work.
The screen shake was really easy, but it never would have occurred to me to try it if it weren't for the "Juicy" video.
You are totally right about the need for player animations, and especially about the need for the sticks to wiggle when they hit the ball. The ending also still needs some work...
If you want to see something pretty cool which Fritzherald made, just swap out this part of main.rb:
def setup
# push_game_state(Beginning)
...and also this part of crowd.rb:
class CrowdScene2 < Chingu::GameState
def setup
@bg = Gang.create
# make it Gang instead of Crowd
and then try out the arrows as well as I K U J Y H T G R F E and D. The lighting dimmer is the thing that really amazed me. The logic is crammed into in crowd.rb and backgrounds.rb. A lot of it looks like hieroglyphics to me. Fritz has significantly more experience with programming than I do.