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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Wing Commander Flat Universe
- - By maslasbros Date 2013-08-05 10:24
This project is still under development and it's goal is a recreation of the old legendary Wing Commander game only in 2D Sprite Graphics and an incredible arcade game play.
I hope you enjoy our screeshot but better check our website: powered by our sponsors WingCommander CIC:

In game screenshot

In game video

I remind you that the game is still in Alpha phase.

the MaslasBros
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2013-08-05 15:05
This looks like a lot of fun already. But your website does not give a lot of details (or I can't find them) :) Are you using Ruby or C++?

Let me know if you run into any issues with Gosu!
Parent - - By allcaps Date 2013-08-06 08:39
Looks pretty sweet, though with the size of the ship relative to the viewport (or at least the youtube video) it makes it feels a little cramped.
Parent - - By oli.obk Date 2013-08-06 09:55
maybe we get to zoom :D
Parent - By maslasbros Date 2013-08-06 18:15
We spent time with the zoom idea and it didn't go as we wanted, so right now zoom is out of the book. We prepare this game basically  for high resolution graphics and on low res monitors we chose to scale down our graphics. Yes, we always afraid not to create something that it has a crowded viewport and we have become very sensitive to that part of gameplay (lots of debates and nagging between the brothers).
Parent - By maslasbros Date 2013-08-06 18:08
Let me give some more details about our project, but first of all we'd (me and my brother) like to thank you very much for your interest in our job.
We chose the Ruby library and we put in action many of the libraries (chingu, ashton, texplay, releasy, etc.) that are proposed in the main gosu page. To be more specific, we use a lot of chingu but with some changes to the source and some more additions in order to serve better our purposes.
For those who know and played in the past Wing Commander, we must admit that this project is going to be massive. We will try to cover most of the WC eras, that means in a few words: Many ships, many guns, many systems, storyline, cockpits, animations  etc.
Up until now Gosu hasn't let me down, our game is pure 2D and everything goes smooth. In the only part that I still have my doubts and I am open for suggestions, is packaging. I haven't had the chance to test releasy yet and I am not sure about it's functionality.

Thanks again,

Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Wing Commander Flat Universe

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