Did quite a bit, but gameplay hasn't moved on a huge amount:
* Level terrain graphics are now created using Simplex noise and is entirely based on a seed number (so levels will be entirely re-creatable). I was forced to make the terrain a lot more blocky so that I could render the necessary images in a reasonable time (Trying to keep level creation < 1s). I actually quite like it like this, since it means that the shadows are very pixellated, the terrain is quite pixellated and the sprites are a bit pixellated. Each time you play, the terrain will be created using a default seed, so it will be the same at the moment (however, objects and enemies are still placed completely randomly at the moment).
* Fullscreen mode:
ruby bin\game_of_scones --fullscreen
* Drew some actual sprites. Didn't spend a huge amount of time on them, so don't consider them final, but they make everything look like what they are supposed to be, so that is fine for now :P
* Added a minimap.
* Did a chunk of work on making the game multi-player, but not got far enough for this to actually work yet :D
Example screenNOTE: If you want to run from the github project, then you'll need to also need to manually compile and install the noise-generator gem from
https://github.com/Spooner/ruby-perlin (just needs the standard devkit; there are no additional requirements). I haven't finalised what I want to do with the gem at the moment, since I've sort of barged into someone's existing project :)