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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / A Platformer! (my first game, be nice)
- - By Edd Date 2011-07-22 10:37
Yo yo yo, whassup.

So, I've finally got this game to a point where I'm not completely embarrassed to show it off. I've been lightly working on whenever I had time over the past few months.

It's not a very fun game, but this is more of a technical challenge to me (and will continue to be, as I improve it). I learned a lot over the course of building it, and hopefully the next game I make will start off with a better architecture!

Source code is at: I'll upload a binary there when I get a chance.

Any feedback would be great (but be nice, it's only my first attempt :)). Forking the code, improving it and sending me a pull request back would be even better.

Finally, Gosu is awesome. What a great mind exercise it has been to develop a game within a familiar Ruby environment!

Parent - - By Dahrkael Date 2011-07-22 11:46
just tried it, is not _that horrible_, i played a lot of games worst than this one. I miss the movement animation though, maybe you can use the standing sprite and the jump sprite to make a weird leg movement.

by the way, i needed to add $: << "." to Main.rb because I dont know why the Windows ruby doesnt include the script path so it cant find the lib/ scripts.
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2011-07-22 14:20
Probably because you are on Ruby 1.9.2, where '.' is not in $LOAD_PATH/$: by default anymore. Sounds like the game should add 'lib' to $LOAD_PATH anyway :)
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2011-08-05 02:13
I think this is the first Gosu platformer with 'hangable' swings that I've seen. I wouldn't mind seeing a few more 'firsts'. :)
Parent - By RunnerPack Date 2011-08-05 18:23
Sure, the graphics could be better, but it's still a pretty cool game! I like the eye patch; that's a nice touch... One thing though, where is he keeping his infinite supply of attack parrots?! ;-)

I might just fork this and work up some levels and stuff...
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / A Platformer! (my first game, be nice)

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