1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm assuming beginGL and endGL both push and pop the graphics stack respectively. However, when I used them in two different classes (using alpha), the second one will be dominate and the first one will have some weird effect. It may just be /me using the functions wrong/ but here's an example:
Before the boss health bar (drawn by Gosu's quads)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1333628/TechPics/MrCaffeine/error/before.pngAfter is appears (also drawn the same way)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1333628/TechPics/MrCaffeine/error/after.pngAnd here's that code
http://pastebin.com/a0BQSWy1I realize that I don't need beginGL and endGL to draw the quads (as I was doing before) so I don't have this problem anymore, but I DID use them and the above pictures were the results. So it just raised my eyebrow if the pushing and popping had a bug??
2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My camera class uses the initial window size as the camera size. However, when using setResolution, this throws off the math going on in the background. For instance, some enemies do not spawn or update outside of camera view. This looks fine normally, but using a different resolution will throw off the math and enemies won't update or spawn until the "virtual camera" is in appropriate view which is very hard to determine.
So my question is what can I do do adjust the camera to the resolution size?