initialize': unable to locate FreeImage.dll (RuntimeError)
Which is annoying because I've put the FreeImage.dll in my relative folder, and in the windows system32+64 folders with no luck so I can't quite figure that out.
Also I downloaded another user's Starfighter game in hopes to learn from it but I get greeted with a nasty require error:
require': no such file to load - lib/zorder (LoadError)require "lib/zorder"
to require_relative "lib/zorder"
> M:/ruby/gosu/GameWindow/main.rb:9:in initialize': unable to locate FreeImage.dll (RuntimeError)
> using require_relative and some code snippet but why is this?
directory. There is a difference betweencd my_game; ruby main.rb
ruby C:\my_game\main.rb
. If you want to change the script so it can be run from anywhere, you could add Dir.chdir File.dirname(__FILE__)
to the top of the script. All files will be sought relative to the script's directory then.
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