Hello everyone !
Here comes my new project !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Np0gUfOyHAIt uses Gosu and Ruby-OpenGL. It's of course an early WIP build, but things start to get interesting. Graphics are temporary, I found a 3D artist that provide me those sprites (generated out of a 3D model he made), and he'll create definitive ones when the engine will be more advanced.
The idea is to create a "survival horror" game, but with a tactical gameplay. You can shoot zombies efficiently (I scripted an automatic aim, and you can select a target that ranges the weapon carried by the character), but you'll have very limitated ammo. The idea is more to choose shoting a zombie that succeeding in the shot action. You'll never miss the target, but shoting is not always the good solution.
For now, the engine displays a 3D world, characters are all 2D textures on 3D planes. It's possible to move and aim (shot too, but I don't have the animation yet). Zombies chase the character, and they don't collide with each other. I still have work on IA, even if zombies are by nature stupid. :)