translate(x, y) do
draw_proc = proc { @player.draw }
translate(x, y, &draw_proc)
, rotate
and scale
with a block , which is a common pattern in Ruby. If you don't know about blocks, you might want to Google for more information.@image.draw(x, y, z)
. These transformations are applied to everything that's drawn inside of the block.translate
, one might replace code like this:@player.draw @player_x - @scroll_x, @player_y - @scroll_y
@enemy.draw @enemy_x - @scroll_x, @enemy_y - @scroll_y
translate(-@scroll_x, -@scroll_y) do
@player.draw @player_x, @player_y, 0
@enemy.draw @enemy_x, @enemy_y, 0
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