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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Blast Mavens Multiplayer Beta 0.1.3
- - By tjbladez Date 2011-04-15 22:08 Edited 2011-04-21 18:41
Blast Mavens Multiplayer is 2D bomberman like game built using just gosu and ruby. Two players can now attempt to blow each other up.

Available as a gem (blast_mavens_multiplayer) as well as from the repo here:

Game was written to serve the purpose of being a base for the open AI competition that will be hosted by my company.

Developed it on ruby 1.9.2 /mac osx.

We already play it at work yet it is clearly in beta and I am continuing work on it.

If you have any questions, comments please do know that I love them.
Parent - - By jlnr (dev) Date 2011-04-21 12:25
Yay Bomberman, going to watch this! Are you going to add diagonal movement? Minor nitpick, you are setting up a ROOT constant but not adding it to the $LOAD_PATH, which is probably not a problem but I tried running the binary from another folder and that didn't work.
Parent - By tjbladez Date 2011-04-21 18:44
Thanks man, I can add it to the load path for people checking it out from the repo. Main usage  was through gem install and running blast_mavens executable which should run from any location. I can let you know when I will release it for the AI competition (working on documentation and AI scripts myself right now) so that you can participate.
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Blast Mavens Multiplayer Beta 0.1.3

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