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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Unexpected Outcome - LD#19 Compo Entry
- By ippa Date 2010-12-20 19:12
Very proud I finished this game. With 6 hours left I had given up, not coming up with a "story" to motivate me to finish it. Then I took the dog for a cold winter walk and got excited again :).

So here it is, for your 15 minutes of atmospheric, retrolicious pleasure:

Win32 exe:
Source:  (needs latest gosu, chingu and texplay)
Ludum Dare page:

Move with ARROW-KEYS, do stuff with SPACE.

(You might recognize the ending-twist from one of my previous games, hehe. Oh well.)
Attachment: screenshot.png (2k)
Attachment: screenshot_1.png (4k)
Attachment: screenshot_2.png (8k)
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Unexpected Outcome - LD#19 Compo Entry

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