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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Dead End inc. LD18
- - By Basic Date 2010-08-23 08:11
Well that was fun :)

I didn't like the theme initially, and I'm not sure I followed it really :) but it was fun, although the code sends shudders down my spine looking at it again.

if I can get rid of that framerate slow down that happens at the beginning, I'll try and port it to iOS after I fell alittle more refreshed.

Dead End inc.

some videos (prototype a few hours in) (next day)

Min Requirements
OSX 10.5
Win XP
Parent - - By jlnr (dev) Date 2010-08-23 08:20 Edited 2010-08-23 08:30
Curious about your upcoming iOS controls. Quite some possibilities with touches and acceleration.

About the slowdown: It seems you are loading stuff on demand as necessary in some places. Might that be a part of it? I do that too but for anything but really tiny sounds or graphics, it causes a noticeable lag—or at least it will on iOS. I just try to trigger all the loading/caching code within the first frame so that after that, it runs smoothly.

BTW: Windows can handle forward slashes in filenames just well in most cases (some Shell APIs excluded). That's why Gosu doesn't even bother to provide anything :) No need to ifdef on that.
Parent - - By Basic Date 2010-08-23 09:03
Yeah i figured that was what was happening with the images.

do you have a big long list of images that get loaded at the start then pass them to the relivant objects?

hmmm I thought I ran into a problem with directories once. maybe it was the other way around. Good to know tho. Although it was a last minute change as for a little bit there where in different directoriers, as xcode kept pushing the contents of media into the resource folder without the media folder itself.
Parent - By jlnr (dev) Date 2010-08-23 09:27
Hmmm, in my current game I have an ObjectGraphics convenience class with a string constructor that shares images over an internal map<>. Then the level class just gets a few of those as members, so they will preload objects' graphics. It's kind of sad that there is no "on program startup" section for each .cpp file. :(

Re: Xcode, if you drag the media folder into Xcode tell it to keep it as a folder reference, that way it will move the whole folder and you don't even need to refresh its contents manually.
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Dead End inc. LD18

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