This is a arcade-style game I built to learn ruby in conjunction with Gosu and Chipmunk. I had very limited time to build this game so it's features are quite limited.
Features* Arcade-style shooter
* Multiplayer, 2-4 players
* PS3 joystick controller support
* Powerups (Triple Shot, Double Damage, Ship Helper and Health Packs)
For the moment, it only works on linux due to how the joystick support is implemented. I also haven't packaged the game so you need to download (or checkout) the source and run it manually with the ruby interpreter. The entry point of the game is main.rb
Ruby 1.9*
RMagickSourceThe source of the game can be found at it's google code page here: can checkout using Mercurial with:
hg clone the-lost-battle
Running the gameAfter you click start game on the main screen, you will see the player selection, similar to the second screenshot above. If you do not have any joysticks connected, you will only be shown 1 player slot and the game will be unable to start since it requires 1 < players <= 4. Therefore, with a single joystick connected, you will be able to play a 2 player player with the keyboard+mouse and the other player with the controller.
Make sure that the joysticks are connected before you go into the player selection screen because the amount of player slots that the screen will display depends on the number of connected controllers.
More information can be found at my blog post: and it's
Google Code page