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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Bwock on Google Code
- By jblovloss Date 2010-05-25 18:56 Edited 2010-06-06 22:45
VERSION 0.1.2 Now Available! Get it Here:

Additional Screens:  (go to "projects")

Hey everyone! I've returned to Bwock - I was doing some other projects and working, but I think I'm hitting the thing full throttle now. The source code is available through mercurial on google code now, and I invite anyone who wants to help out to do so. It is C++, which I know a lot of you guys don't use, but ANYTHING - comments, questions, bug finds, expertise, graphics, sounds, music, levels - is welcome. I am checking my email regularly.

Perhaps its just a simple game, but if I had it my way, I would claim ownership over very little of the code and content. So far, one level was developed by our own Phelps.db. As a little extra incentive towards the level design aspect, I'm working on having a popup of some kind at the start of every level, giving the moniker of its author


Anyone who can help with making it easier to set up a project in windows would be so appreciated. It took two hours for me to figure it out for visual studio. I'm about scared to try it anywhere else....
- By jlnr (dev) Date 2010-05-31 15:55
When I got into the second level and run upwards right at the beginning, the game apparently got stuck at the screen where the projectile just hit me... at least I think so :)

If you want to look at related art, I think it is very similar to Mouse House for the iPhone, even though I only know it because I IRC'ed with its developer :P, I think the half-tile movement is kind of strange with pushing things. Either you should be able to push all the time, or you should move at whole intervals. I think the first options sounds cooler :) You could make it more detailed than all the fully tile based games, and get some more distinction that way.

Also, man I loved Goof Troop because you could play it with two people at the same time, but maybe nobody does that anymore. :( But that would be a feature request :P


As for the project setup, there is some kind of Project Template you can create for Visual Studio. I want to look into it but I haven't even gotten around to that on OS X. It also annoys the hell out of me — very high barrier to setting up new C++ projects! :(
- By jblovloss Date 2010-06-06 01:44
The issue you bumped into was a common problem that I recently fixed. On a plane no less :) I'll be preparing a new version for Windows and Linux shortly.

The half-tile thing was just me doing what Adventures of Lolo did. You have a point, however, though I wonder if it would create any surprise solutions to existing puzzles to make it a pixel-by-pixel motion.

I'd love to add multiplayer support in the future, but that would need unique puzzles...
- By ? Date 2010-06-15 03:56
The "halfway" block pushing does have an effect on gameplay and strategy.

A single object pushed "halfway" between the line of fire of two mice blocks both from attack:

Mouse ->     ,,     safezone safezone safezone
Mouse ->     ''     safezone safezone safezone

             ^ (single block pushed halfway between two tiles. Kills two birds with one stone.)

Also, pixel by pixel movement might P.O. the player if they have to line up objects perfectly within tiles just to turn corners. If you use that method, include a "tile locking" feature that gridlocks pushed objects within a certain margin.
- By jblovloss Date 2010-06-16 14:26
Yeah, that's a part of it. The halfway trick is what The Adventures of Lolo did way back when, which is why I went with it. The logic is very reliant on this being the case at this point, at any rate, so I would have to refactor everything to change it anyhow :)
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Bwock on Google Code

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