Explore the boundless reaches of an alien world as an intrepid purple dot of ambiguous origins!
CONTROL a courageous purple dot who is probably a robot, maybe!
EXPLORE procedurally generated planets of curiously infinite size!
GASP IN ASTONISHMENT at a game interface that brings new meaning to the phrase 'pixel graphics'.
Do you dare brave the adventure? Can you afford
not to?
TLoPD:E1:PDtE was my
LD16 entry, on the theme of exploration. I originally wrote it under severe time constraints (more like 10 hours work than 48), and the version posted at the LD site reflects that. However, I've since been making substantial updates to it, and it's looking a lot more like a game rather than a toy now.
Check it out! Note that you should ignore the packaged downloads and just grab the
ruby source. You'll need Gosu, of course, and also the gem