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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / My first project with Gosu, Gem Collector with Gosu
- By juafrlo Date 2010-01-25 08:20
I have made my first project with Gosu and Ruby, Gem Collector with Gosu. It's just another platform game, but I'm quite proud of it, considering that I have programmed it during my time every day on the train. Feel free to give your opinion and suggestions, considering that I dedicated just a few hours to make the game. You can get more info, in Spanish, in my personal blog, Juan de Frías,
All the code is in my github,
I have a video here also:

- By banister Date 2010-01-26 18:41
looks nice, a good base for a mario style game :) Are you planning on taking it further? :)
- By juafrlo Date 2010-01-29 09:10
It's possible that I will put some new things. In fact, I hace changed one a few days ago. When killing an enemy, the player goes up a litte and then goes down to the floor, not going straight to the floor when killing the enemy.
- By jlnr (dev) Date 2010-02-11 21:24
Nice. I think you should look into Chingu or benko's shooter game here on the Showcase to split the game up into proper game states (always a good thing when going beyond the examples)! :)
- By Shinobi Chef Date 2010-02-13 03:11
Your game looks interesting,Keep up the great work mate!
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / My first project with Gosu, Gem Collector with Gosu

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