Moonlight Requiem, is a fan game, largely inspired by the RPG Platform Castlevania episodes ( pretty much all of them since Symphony of the night )
We (our small team called 2Dee2Doo) started the project on RPG Maker VX in june 2008;.. we had great ambitions for it, and for me making a platform game in RPG Maker, was new and interesting.
But its engine is very badly written and limits ruby capabilities ( uses an embedded version of v1.8.1 when it was released last year... >_<) , can't call C-extensions... windows only, no opengl etc... ) Pretty cool and easy ( super high level ) and can do some cool stuff, but can quickly run out of ressources ( doesn't seem to use hardware acceleration ).
Anyway, after writing X version of tiled -collision engines that would try support pretty much any kind of slopes ( basically all the shapes you have in N/ N+ games ( I ported the collision from flash to ruby but not ideal for our game, and uses too much ressources) )
I'm now looking a lot at Gosu+Chingu , and chipmunk, as they seem to be pretty efficient together, and started a new version of the engine :).
Remember Queen; "I want to break Free!"
You can have a look at our website here:
http://castlevania.trebor777.net to read more informations about the gameplay and see screenshots and videos :)
But that's all RM stuff.
So all the message I'll post in this topic, will be for showing screens, or asking some help from you people; Master's of Gosu !
My plan, for the moment is to familiarize myself a bit more with Gosu+Chingu possibilities, in order to get used to it. and trying to reproduce some stuff from RM. ( the way they handle animation is pretty well done for example )
Then, using chipmunk aswell.
I have a question about it :) The window is the camera , and some level are bigger than it :) ok i put my stuff into space at some absolute coordinates that seems to be the one on screen, is there a way to translate the space in order to move everything (emulating the camera move), ?
then :) reading the map data, to get the shape of each tile, and generate the chipmunk data from it and place it as required. shouldn't be too hard i think.
As it's moslty porting for the rest of it, it shouldn't take too long after that before seeing some awesome stuff ;)
Thanks for reading !