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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Berzerk Remake
- By deps Date 2009-11-12 09:50
Remember the game Berzerk?
Ippa and I did a remake of it, and it's done! Grab it here:
I am trying to create an OSX binary of it, but have some problems and no time to sit down and tinker with it at the moment. Will post one as soon as possible.
Source can be found here:
(You need Ruby 1.8.7+, Chingu, Crack, opengl and rest_client)

Edit: It has an online highscore board, so don't freak out if it tries to connect to the internet. :)
- By ippa Date 2009-11-12 11:55
This is probably one of the first full game built with Chingu ( ) from scratch.. though it was under a time limit so don't expect superbeautiful code :P .. but still, quite some of Chingus features are used, GameObject class, traits, game states, assets etc.

It's also using Chingus online high score class to sync the high scores  to .. so if you kick ass, other berzerk-players will know :P is currently under development, but soon you should be able to register and add your own games for easy global high scores / achievements.
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Berzerk Remake

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