By lobo_tuerto
Date 2009-07-13 05:02
Edited 2009-07-13 21:08
Hi guys, this is my very first game. Since I'm so much in love with Ruby, it was done in that precious language. :)
It's simple, can be improved in many ways.
It's heavily commented (Spanish only though, but if there are people interested in an English version I can do it).
It's parameterized, you can set the height and width of the board, the square size for the blocks, the times for falling pieces, times for repetition (when the user holds down a key).
You can define your own shapes easily, and define a pivot (a point that the shape rotates around), no more you have to explicitly create a shape with all the four rotations in a file.
The shapes may have an arbitrary size.
The game is moreless (very)basic-feature complete. It has a score for the player and it ends (tee-hee).
It was done in about 3 days, 2 days straight, then 1 more day a couple of days later.
If you have questions, ask away! :)
Here are some screenshots that shows how a little toying with the params, can modify the "look" of the board:
Thank you for the encouraging words. :)
As soon as you are done, send it to me, so I can do a quick check, and help with whatever is missing.