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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / Is Gosu suitable for making games like Doom (BSP)?
- - By MDtox Date 2023-04-22 08:56
I've heard about the Rubystein project. However, it is very old and written in Ruby 1.8 (I think so). Now there is already Ruby 3.x, which should be also pretty much faster even than Ruby 2.5. I want to make a game also similar to Catacomb 3D: Armageddon or Doom (using BSP) in gameplay, but completely with my own textures, sprites and story (although I have no idea yet how I will create different maps for different levels, I haven't found any level editors for Raycaster).

For example, there is the DUGA project, written in Python + Pygame. I would like to know if Gosu is inferior to Pygame in some way?
Parent - By lol_o2 Date 2023-04-22 16:50
If you are asking in terms of speed, then yes, Gosu is very much suitable. I remember when I upgraded from Ruby 1.8 to 1.9 and my game was running a lot faster. I imagine with Ruby 3 performance is now irrelevant concern (for your use-case at least).

Gosu is in no way inferior to PyGame. I've used it for a few years and it proved to be quite capable. I didn't use PyGame much, but given they are both frameworks, I suppose it boils down to which language you prefer.
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Exchange / Is Gosu suitable for making games like Doom (BSP)?

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