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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Inuhh Shinvasion - Yet another jump'n'run
- - By Hadeweka Date 2016-05-08 13:20
I am currently working on a jump'n'run game (may base loosely on the CptnRuby demo ;-) )
with Ruby and gosu and finally decided to show some of it here :-).
The graphics are mostly drawn by myself, so the game has a very
simple look, but that shouldn't be the worst thing on the world.

The protagonist is Inuhh, a dog, whose world got invaded by a weird alien race,
called "Shi". His goal is, of course, to defeat the Shi empire.
This would be easy if the Shi weren't masters of genetics and produced a
huge number of variations of themselves. Some have spikes, others are
much faster than normal ones, and some are even gigantic.
If Inuhh travels through the five worlds of Westton, he may have a chance
to expel the Shi from there.

As mentioned, the game has five worlds with five regular levels each
(and additionally some secret levels) and dozens of different enemies (all Shi).
Also there are four difficulty levels, ranging from easy to totally unfair.
At the beginning Inuhh isn't very strong, but there is a possibility to
increase certain stats as one wishes, so he can handle stronger enemies.

Furthermore the game contains an encyclopedia of all Shi species
(called the "Shipedia") with information about their stats, behaviour
and habitat. Entries up to a certain world can be obtained by beating
the respective boss enemy and obtaining a password.

I will try to polish the game a bit more before providing a download
link, but some screenshots should show what the game looks like.

Attachment: Inuhh_1.png - Screenshots from the game (105k)
Attachment: Inuhh_2.png - Screenshots from the game (156k)
Attachment: Inuhh_3.png - Screenshots from the game (146k)
Attachment: Inuhh_4.png - Screenshots from the game (31k)
Attachment: Inuhh_5.png - Screenshots from the game (256k)
Attachment: Inuhh_6.png - Screenshots from the game (163k)
Attachment: Inuhh_7.png - Screenshots from the game (446k)
Attachment: Inuhh_8.png - Screenshots from the game (157k)
Attachment: Inuhh_9.png - Screenshots from the game (35k)
Attachment: Inuhh_10.png - Screenshots from the game (29k)
Attachment: Inuhh_11.png - Screenshots from the game (78k)
Attachment: Inuhh_12.png - Screenshots from the game (216k)
Parent - - By jlnr (dev) Date 2016-05-09 14:03
Looking forward to the game!

I've been thinking about the CptnRuby code recently, is there anything that you wish was better or more complete about it?
Parent - By Hadeweka Date 2016-05-11 18:49
Actually I found the code relatively helpful, especially in combination with the other
examples. There wasn't really anything missing. Of course it's small, but this makes
it easy to understand, in my opinion. Only the level is a bit frustrating to play :-D.
Parent - - By Hadeweka Date 2017-06-14 20:00
This took way more time than expected, but it is finally done.
The full game can be found at:

If I find the necessary time I may add more features (more worlds, some minigames, ...),
but the game in this version is complete nonetheless.

I hope you enjoy it :-)

Parent - - By shawn42 Date 2017-06-23 17:46
Very nice. I haven't played through it all yet, but it plays well.  Nicely done.
Parent - By Hadeweka Date 2017-06-24 13:44
Thank you :-)
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Inuhh Shinvasion - Yet another jump'n'run

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