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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Rubystein 3D, Wolfenstein clone in the Rails world
- By jlnr (dev) Date 2009-05-13 22:09 Edited 2009-05-13 22:15
At this year's RailsConf, the Phusion guys (known for Passenger) ended their slides with an unexpected "one more thing": a demo of a satirical Wolfenstein clone. This one plays in the Rails universe, but the still uses unusual ray casting techniques of the original that I didn't even know about:

Here is a video of Ninh Bui (Phusion) demoing the game:

And here is an article on RubyInside about it:

It's a nice benchmark to compare Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 performance too :)


Ninh will show this again on next weekend's Ruby On OS X conference and will also give an overview of the development process and algorithms. After that I'll give a short introduction to Ruby/Gosu development in general. Hope nobody minds if I nick some screenshots from the Showcase board and show them to the greater public! :)
- By Shinobi Chef Date 2009-05-16 07:16 Edited 2009-06-09 04:32
Very Impressive I must say,Keep up the good work Hongli Lai and Ninh Bui

Looking forward to seeing what you do next with Ruby and Gosu!!
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / Rubystein 3D, Wolfenstein clone in the Rails world

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