Byjlnr (dev)
Date 2009-05-13 20:35
Edited 2010-02-06 22:20
There have been six Gosu entries for the last Ludum Dare 48h gamedev compo, and the scores weren't too bad either, so here's the list of links to the respective final blog postings:
I didn't want to touch OpenGL in a competition, so I just took the four corners of the building on the ground, multiplied their distances to the screen center by 1.1, and then connected the resulting 8 points using Image#draw_as_quad (or Image.getData().draw() in C++).
The fake 3D look when the player's fighter moves is another story… :D
The ship is composed of two images (ship body/cockpit) that I draw at an angle and with a varying factorX, and most importantly, with a small offset. Faking 3D is too much fun, but a blender render would of course have looked better. (Shading, proper perspective)
Fake 3d has got me hooked. checking out that Wolfenstien clone has definitely caught my eye on Ray-casting, honestly didn't think it would work so well.