Could not find gem 'gameoverseer (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'gameoverseer' (>= 0) in any repository
Could not find timers-1.1.0 in any of the sources
(using bundle install
)Hopefully fixed waves getting stuck.
Updated Portal image, added fail safe for AssetManager, removed colored text from menus, made Asteroid destroyable, added Rocket (does nothing currently.)
Added Waves, fixes #20, many small changes.
Moved menus to subdirectory 'menus', moved GameInfo::Config out of version.rb, fixed music not playing when starting a second game, added menus for #20, started clearing out game_info.rb, code cleanup.
Show cursor for menus.
Fixed #32 via lazy hack, changed game over time text.
Changed enemy ship fixes #28, broke music manager #32, many small changes.
Added AssetPack GUI, fixes #22.
Added Configuration manager, sfx can now be disabled, bumped version to BETA.
Added start of asset packs. #22
Added Asteroid, closes #21, Changed the way Ship moves, closes #25, Added HazardManager.
Removed Enemy use of real time, made enemies share target.
Made uninhabitable planets habitable, closes #23.
Destroy unused object, hopefully fix slow down.
Made Ship upgrades cost resources. closes #13
Remove Bullets use of time, prevents bullet from dying to soon.
Added Achievements
Planets regenerate resources, closes #14
Added notification for current song, closes #5
Added proper notifications, reenabled Hobby of night font for menus.
Added overlay, fixes #9.
Cleaned up Game game state a little, added Confirm to prevent accidentally quitting game, moved Background to its own file.
Added CC0 sound effects, changed ESC to Enter to leave planet view, moved all files into lib/planet-wars.
Bumped version to 0.1.2
Made Particles first class, injected rb_set_image and rb_get_image into Ashton::ParticleEmitter inorder to use images with emitters.
Excluding Scal asset pack while its in development, made asteroids able to have more then one image.
Moved planets images around, removed hard coding of planet names.
Moved enemies sprites to its own directory, fixed error in asset manager.
make default asset pack a variable, did some DRYing up of asset preloading.
Made help text more consistent.
added gimp menu-background.xcf file.
Texplay 0.4.3 works in both Windows and Linux
Fix font crashes on Linux
Added Background to Menus
Bump version to 0.1.3
Removed outdated net folder
Hopefully fixed #44, removed duplication in NetGame, fixed credits crashing
Update Gosu
Updated menus, removed colors from credits, made base set its x and y position in prep for #36.
AssetManager now actually preloads assets
Bump version to 0.2.0
Updated Gosu
Game is no longer frame locked
Menus now have sfx
* Updated dependencies
* Dropped Chingu as a dependency
* Added a debug mode that shows collision borders, object headings, and enemy targeting
* Redid PlanetView and ShipUpgrades menu to use GameUI
* Updated Credits to not use yellow and show Gosu::LICENSES
* Removed background images from menus and in-game
* Added star field background for Game
* Refreshed controller controls, now somewhat intuitive
* Many internal changes
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