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Topic Music for your little games By seisatsu Date 2012-02-29 09:00
Could you link some of your previous work in this thread?
Topic Compiling Gosu 2D with MinGw on Windows By seisatsu Date 2011-06-18 11:08
I added MinGW support and sent the patch to jlnr.
Topic Compiling Gosu 2D with MinGw on Windows By seisatsu Date 2011-06-18 02:40
God you're fast.

I'll pull and retry. There's probably some other nasty landmines hiding in there, so I'll tell you when I hit them.

If I get it to compile I'll give you my MinGW makefile.
Topic Compiling Gosu 2D with MinGw on Windows By seisatsu Date 2011-06-17 08:29
I took a whack at this, but unfortunately, Gosu seems to be using some Windows API calls that have been depreciated since the late 90s. Visual C++ allows it; MinGW does not.

(See: SHGetSpecialFolderPath (added to Windows API with IE 4.0), possibly others.)
Topic WHY would you require multiple audio libraries? By seisatsu Date 2010-09-14 23:13
The only thing currently keeping me from jumping on Gosu for my project is disgust at the requirement of a different audio library for every platform. FMOD for Windows, SDL_Mixer for Linux, OpenAL for Macintosh. Not only do both SDL_Mixer and OpenAL work on all three platforms, Gosu for Windows is not open source, due to including the proprietary FMOD. I cannot think of any possible reason for these ridiculous conditional dependencies.

I want a very, very good reason. Why would the Gosu development team make such a seemingly stupid and pointless decision, that makes Gosu so unappealing?

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