Figured now is a good time to start posting updates to this project on these forums.
I've been working on a platformer using Mario Galaxy like gravity that I intend to blend in mechanics from games like Metroid and Contra. The story and characters aren't yet fleshed out, but I know I'm going to use a party system where you switch from character to character and explore the world in much the same manner as in Metroid games. Without spending too much time trying to explain things that aren't set in stone, I'll get on to screenshots and a download.
Windows + OS X buildsThere's a README, but for people like me who don't care to actually read those, here are the controls:
Left - A
Right - D
Run - LeftShift
Jump - Space
Fire Weapon - Left Mouse
Swap Weapons - Q
Use Mario Character - M
Use Luigi Character - L
If you want to change these, go into Data/main.json and set the mappings to your liking (on OS X go into Package Contents to get at the Data Folder).
More info to come as I see fit to explain it.
At the menu, click on the bottom left planet thing with the mouse (this menu is temporary).