And a small thing to TexPlay. Maybe I played on a small older version, but it makes error with this lights/shadows. It's just a drawing error. Game sometimes is getting stuck in dark room. Same while initializing editor (it uses image filling).
can you isolate the error and give me a code sample to work with? i'll look into it
(but at a guess, are you saying that the flood fill code goes into an infinite loop?)
EDIT: as a temporary work around you may be able to use :dest_select in combination with filled rectangles to get the effect you want. It's also many times faster than a flood fill.
Hi, I'm just taking my first look at Gosu and this looked like a fun project for sample code. I see that you just updated the download here recently -- is there a non-Windows initialization script of some kind, or a makefile? Thanks :-)
Great, thanks for the quick reply! The link wouldn't work the first few times I tried it, but coming back after a few days I've gotten it and am having a play with it now :-)
Foo. I wanted to check this out because it was featured yesterday and I guess I missed the original post. But now I see the download link (and the one for the init script too, since I'm on Mac) has gone 403. Any chance you could reupload elsewhere?
Sorry in advance for practicing thread necromancy.
hey supercute game, seems like you've worked on a lot of details as well. I bumped into 2 possible bugs.. When I chose start game.. and then inside the profile menu I create a new one, but then I can't choose it to start with that profile, only back works there. Tried creating some different profiles but same thing.
Then I tried the custom levels, which worked well. When trying out the factory level I get FPS drops though.. 30-40 etc.. and I'm on a shiny new Core i5 machine.
Great stuff in either case, like how it feels like a real big game, with menus, profiles, a lot of music/sound and even a level editor.
I know about the slow FPS. Maybe someone know how to make it faster? The profiles are not working now. Enjoy these three levels or make your own. And I want to use OpenGL to make dynamic lights... You can see a function in editor to make "dark room". But it's and idea for later.
I can't run it, because it crashes when loading files. This is because, just like in your previous game, you keep using capital letters where you should not. You see, most operating systems, except for those on windows, are very specific with the naming of their files.
For example, to load the image 'gfx/backgrounds/Arena.png', you set it to load 'gfx/Backgrounds/Arena.png', so basically you incorrectly capitalize 'Backgrounds'. Any chance you can fix this? (a quite tedious job)
If it crashes at backgrounds, open data/scripts/menus.rb (by any text editor), go to line 33 and change 'Img["Backgrounds...' . I hope that only directory names cannot be capitalized. It will be changed at next update.
> If it crashes at backgrounds, open > data/scripts/menus.rb (by any text editor), go to > line 33 and change 'Img["Backgrounds...' . I hope > that only directory names cannot be capitalized. > It will be changed at next update.
Well that fixed that error, but unfortunately, everything needs to be correctly capitalized.. :(
If it crashes still in the same place, change {a} to {a.downcase} and the same in line 146. If it's not problem with loading, but with NAMES OF FILES, I will need to change 130 of them...
simply setting to loading to downcase won't work, because some files have uppercase letters in the names. So yes, it's either changing 130 file/directory names, or editing the filenames that you load. Sorry for that
OK, I have solved the problem with names: Download it and run downcase_utility.rb in game's directory. Mlv files replace in data/own_levels, specjal.rb in data/scripts and nine.ttf in fonts. Write here all files which I forgot.
Does not work for me on OS X. May be related to the fact that you use multiple windows which is not really well supported :( Is there a way to skip the first?
> Download it and run downcase_utility.rb in game's > directory. Mlv files replace in data/own_levels, > specjal.rb in data/scripts and nine.ttf in > fonts.
Awesome ruby fix!
But just like your previous game, I suck at it.. ;) The first and last level had a fine FPS, but second one got 4 to 7 FPS, lol (but that's okay, it's a laptop)
All update notes are at the top of this topic (1st post). And it's written, that the game should not lag now. As I said, a small patch: Replace it in data/scripts.
out of interest what was causing the lag? congrats on getting rid of it
regarding dynamic lighting, what did you ahve in mind? what kind of thing? im writing something that may provide what you want for a coming release of TP
The lag was because I used .find method to check map solidify and the game was searching for one from tens of tiles, many times per frame. Sry, ommision. I wanted dynamic SHADOWS, there was a topic on this forum how to make it in Open GL. I have only idea and I didn't even read it. :)
By ?
Date 2010-03-28 21:47
I would really like to try your game, but it seems your second link for the version with the corrected file names doesnt work. If it isnt too much trouble, would you like to upload a new version?
And to this lights: I'm now trying with different effect than I wanted, but I have problem with speed. To fill screen with black, filling blank image is to slow, but works even fine. To make lights I'm using draw function (rect,circle) with no alpha, but with all, FPS drops to 20.
tell us about your lighting effects and how they work :)
By ?
Date 2010-05-25 10:50
Hello everybody, it's my first post, but I'm following the gosu project since some months ago. I've just tried to run this game (it looks awesome :D ), but that's what I get:
tony@polik-ubu8:~/Download/Super Duper Mario - demo5$ ruby1.9.1 super_duper_mario.rb /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/texplay-0.2.800/lib/texplay.rb:107:in initialize': Cannot open file gfx/background.png (RuntimeError) from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/texplay-0.2.800/lib/texplay.rb:107:in new' from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/texplay-0.2.800/lib/texplay.rb:107:in new' from /home/tony/Download/Super Duper Mario - demo5/data/scripts/specjal.rb:18:in []' from /home/tony/Download/Super Duper Mario - demo5/data/scripts/menus.rb:48:in block in update' from /home/tony/Download/Super Duper Mario - demo5/data/scripts/menus.rb:48:in each' from /home/tony/Download/Super Duper Mario - demo5/data/scripts/menus.rb:48:in update' from super_duper_mario.rb:46:in update' from super_duper_mario.rb:101:in show' from super_duper_mario.rb:101:in <main>'
Cannot open file gfx/background.png ? o_o I'm not a total newbie in Ruby, but this project is quite big so I can't figure out by myself what the real problem is.
Well, you can see if there is ans Dir.chdir or something like that happening. Or you can grep for the line loading background.png, then do "p Dir.pwd" right before that. Having a wrong current directory is the only explanation I can find for not being able to open a harmless image file.
the problem is that there's not "background.png" file in the gfx directory.
Line 48 in menu.rb is ary.each{|a| Img["backgrounds/#{a}".chop.chop.chop.chop]}
and line 18 in specjal.rb is @@images[name] =$screen, "gfx/"+name.downcase+".png")
Those four .chop just delete the last 4 characters in the string, i would consider a safer alternative; i replaced line 48 with ary.each{|a| Img["backgrounds/#{a}".chomp(File.extname(a))]} and now I get this error
Cannot open file gfx/backgrounds/...png (RuntimeError)
So, basically, the problem is that the program try to process the "file" '..' :) menus.rb is full of ary.delete_at(0), but at position 0 there are not '.' and '..', at least for me .-. So i replaced them with ary.delete('.') ary.delete('..') and everyhting seems to work fine.
If someone has the same problem: go to menus.rb, and replace every .chop.chop.chop.chop with .chomp(File.extname(a)) after that, replace every ary.delete_at(0) ary.delete_at(0) with ary.delete('.') ary.delete('..')
Thanks for the answer, for the game and for the gosu framework :) bye!
Took me a while to boot to Windows because it won't run on OS X for some reasons (need to look into those). I always like it when people come up with their own lovable characters :P, but wow that's an awesome clone so far. Does your Ruby 1.9 problem persist? (Not sure when you edited it in)