hey there altogether,
http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-16/?action=rate&uid=717this was my entry for the last LD, which was on the 12th/13th of december
the idea was to make a game similar to one of the touhou series, but that didn't work out that good, actually. because of the rather minimalistic movements of the space ship, the game was too hard in one of the older versions, so i made the range of the enemies a tiny bit smaller that yours
also, the performance is going down very heavily in the last level because i wasn't thinking correctly anymore (yeah, that's what you get shortly before the deadline in LD). because the collision computations are inside of the lasers, not the ship, i have a few thousand objects asking and asking for the same thing every update interval. no good idea
have fun! and yeah, the guy pretending to be your commander in the tutorial, that's me in a thick jacket, open hair and wearing my cap the wrong way :D