> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the games that are
> currently using this service seem kinda arcade-y.
> Would it be acceptable to use this for something
> like an RPG? I'd love to have this kind of
> achievement system in my game.
> Edit:
> Side note, it seems that the rest-client gem is
> broken... =/
Well, right now I only support the classic high score list (name, score and free text).. so that naturally suits score-collecting games. I only just made the project public though, so feedback / requests can take gamercv.com in about any direction. Some ideas I've had is:
1) Enable login for gamers (not just indiedevs), so high scores are saved under their id, and not as anonymous name-strings. would make gamer-pages possible, with all their high scores in one place.
2) If anyone is making a multiplayer game, gamercv.com could be used as a central point to find other ppl playing that game at that point in time.
3) Achievements yes, right not berzerk uses the free text field in the high score list for that. This could probably be made better though, maybe the indie dev should be able to have small images for each achievement or whatever. But I think this requires #1 to be finished first... #1 would require gamers to "login" though when playing the game, will they bother? Thinking how I can make this as easy as possible.. maybe one login and then it's saved somewhere.
About the rest-client, maybe open a ticket @