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Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / - online high scores for your Gosu game
- By ippa Date 2009-12-04 04:51
I've worked some on the last nights and I think I'm starting to have something usable to show.

The idea is to be able to add online high scores into your Gosu game. Or any other game for that matter. This will strengthen the community-part of the game, being able to compete with other gamers.

The game developer logins and creates his game. He sets a login / password for that game. That login/password is then used in the code, for example with (Chingus HighScoreList class)

It's not very documented, yet.. but a quick introduction is available @

Also, deps and mine berzerk-remake have used the service for a couple of weeks now:

Right now games can upload a 3-letter name and a score to a specific game. The next step is to allow gamers to authenticate .. so they can keep a page with their high scores and achievements. I'm not sure how to solve it best though, it must be ultra simple for the gamer. Preferable the login is saved until next gaming session etc.
- By ippa Date 2009-12-09 03:30
Seems like 4 posts in this thread got deleted as well..  so anyhuuuue:

I've continued work on .. it's now much more polished. Latest and top high scores on front for example :). You can now limit your high score lists to a specific size. And a lot of other details.

There's also better documentation @  .. how you could use it even if you're not using Chingu. Anyone using Chingu should now use the OnlineHighScoreClass which is dedicated to communicating with

I dare anyone to kick BEC's ass @ .. someone from I think where deps posted the game :). You have link to exe and full gosu-source on that page too.
- By Trebor777 Date 2009-12-09 15:12
Just wondering, why did you limit the highscore name size to 3 characters only ?
Nostalgic of the old arcade days ?

Because in itself, IMO, it's not very convenient..., or it could be (if possible) setup by the game designer, to define it as he wishes when he creates the game page.
Anyway, good luck with that.

PS, unrelated question: but do you read your pm on rubygame or here ? (it's related to the topic we were discussing, who got deleted with the downtime)
- By Dahrkael Date 2009-12-09 16:11
I think you can use any number of letters, or at least that was what I read in #gosu.
- By ippa Date 2009-12-10 01:13
It's not limited, you can do names up to 64 characters. Only that the games so far only uploads 3 chars :)

I'll check out the PM out tomorrow.
- By RavensKrag Date 2009-12-11 22:56 Edited 2009-12-11 23:48
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the games that are currently using this service seem kinda arcade-y.  Would it be acceptable to use this for something like an RPG? I'd love to have this kind of achievement system in my game.

Side note, it seems that the rest-client gem is broken... =/
- By ippa Date 2009-12-12 08:52

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the games that are
> currently using this service seem kinda arcade-y. 
> Would it be acceptable to use this for something
> like an RPG? I'd love to have this kind of
> achievement system in my game.
> Edit:
> Side note, it seems that the rest-client gem is
> broken... =/

Well, right now I only support the classic high score list (name, score and free text).. so that naturally suits score-collecting games. I only just made the project public though, so feedback / requests can take in about any direction. Some ideas I've had is:

1)  Enable login for gamers (not just indiedevs), so high scores are saved under their id, and not as anonymous name-strings. would make gamer-pages possible, with all their high scores in one place.
2) If anyone is making a multiplayer game, could be used as a central point to find other ppl playing that game at that point in time.
3) Achievements yes, right not berzerk uses the free text field in the high score list for that. This could probably be made better though, maybe the indie dev should be able to have small images for each achievement or whatever. But I think this requires #1 to be finished first... #1 would require gamers to "login" though when playing the game, will they bother? Thinking how I can make this as easy as possible.. maybe one login and then it's saved somewhere.

About the rest-client, maybe open a ticket @
- By RavensKrag Date 2009-12-12 18:47

> 2) If anyone is making a multiplayer game,
> could be used as a central point to
> find other ppl playing that game at that point in
> time.

Hmm, that's quite a good idea, hadn't thought of that...

> Thinking how I can make
> this as easy as possible.. maybe one login and then
> it's saved somewhere.

Personally I would just save the login information in the game itself, prompting users to enter it once the first time they upload their scores to  As for the website, that would just be the same as any other login.

> About the rest-client, maybe open a ticket @

Actually it was just me, sorry.  I installed the ruby 1.8 version of the library needed to use net/https instead of the 1.9 version.

Also, the API says it's possible to delete entries, but I don't quite understand how.  Could you explain that in a little more detail?
- By ippa Date 2009-12-12 20:24
For now, you can delete high score entries through the webinterface when you login to .. I'll most likely make it possible through the API as well soon too (just didn't seem as important as adding high scores :)..).
- - By RavensKrag Date 2009-12-12 22:25
Ah, ok.  Thank you very much.
Parent - - By RavensKrag Date 2010-08-05 19:58
I don't mean to thread necro, but if I made a new thread it would be essentially the same thing so...

Is there any work being done on gamercv?
Parent - - By ippa Date 2010-08-05 22:13
I don't have a super grand plan which I work against... I've used the basic functionallity in the Berzerk clone I made with deps, and I'll most likely use it in my current project: ..

Is there any special reason you ask... some feature you miss? The project isn't dead, I just don't have a gamercv-TODO with stuff on :)
Parent - - By RavensKrag Date 2010-08-06 04:34
I was just curious.  But now that you mention it, has player authentication been implemented yet? Perhaps I am merely ignorant, but I see no indication of this being so.

I suppose overall though, I just wanted to make sure that gamercv was still alive.
Parent - By ippa Date 2010-08-08 14:09
nops, not yet... it's a good idea. I believe in organic growth though.. if there's some more games doing high scores @ gamercv It will be a push for me to dev it further.. for now the basics works ok I think. So far the only game that's been pushing quite some scores is my own game (co-deved with deps). You can do long player names in high score lists though (it's not limited to 3 characters).
Up Topic Gosu / Gosu Showcase / - online high scores for your Gosu game

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